지구의 지구 온난화의 미래

국제 과학자 팀은 더 뜨거운 조건을 선호하는 지구 궤도의 변화가 5,600만 년 전에 PETM(Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum)으로 알려진 급속한 지구 온난화를 촉발하는 데 도움이 되었을 수 있음을 발견했습니다.

국제 과학자 팀은 온난화를 초래한 지구 궤도의 변화가 5,600만 년 전에 발생한 급속한 지구 온난화를 촉발하는 데 역할을 했을 수 있다고 제안했습니다. PETM(Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum)으로 알려진 이 현상은 현대 기후 변화와 유사합니다.

지구과학과 교수 Lee Kump는 말했다. 펜실베니아 주립대학교. “이 역사에 대한 더 나은 해결책을 찾는 데 많은 관심이 있었고 우리 작업은 사건의 원인과 탄소 배출량 비율에 대한 중요한 질문을 다룹니다.”

과학자 팀은 밀란코비치 주기(Milankovitch cycle)로 알려진 장기간에 걸쳐 발생하는 궤도 패턴을 기반으로 퇴적층의 연대를 측정하는 방법인 튤립학을 사용하여 메릴랜드 해안 근처에 있는 잘 보존된 PETM 기록의 핵심 샘플을 연구했습니다.

Penn State는 핵심 샘플을 연구하고 있습니다.

Penn State의 대학원생인 Victoria Fortes(오른쪽)와 USGS 연구 지질학자인 Jean Self Trail이 메릴랜드의 Howards Tract 사이트에서 핵심 샘플을 작업하고 있습니다. 크레딧: 펜실베니아

그들은 지구의 궤도 모양 또는 이심률과 자전의 진동 또는 크기가 Betem 기간 초기에 더 따뜻한 조건을 선호했으며 이러한 궤도 구성이 함께 이벤트.

“초화산이 탄소를 방출하고 사건을 촉발했다는 현재 대중적인 설명보다는 궤도 방아쇠가 PETM 기간 동안 많은 수준의 지구 온난화를 야기한 탄소 방출을 촉발했을 수 있습니다.”라고 Coombe, School of the School 학장 지구 및 광물 과학 .

저널에 게재된 결과

“This study allows us to refine our carbon cycle models to better understand how the planet reacts to an injection of carbon over these timescales and to narrow down the possibilities for the source of the carbon that drove the PETM,” said Mingsong Li, assistant professor in the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University and a former assistant research professor of geosciences at Penn State who is lead author on the study.

A 6,000-year onset, coupled with estimates that 10,000 gigatons of carbon were injected into the atmosphere as the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide or methane, indicates that about one and a half gigatons of carbon were released per year.

“Those rates are close to an order of magnitude slower than the rate of carbon emissions today, so that is cause for some concern,” Kump said. “We are now emitting carbon at a rate that’s 5 to 10 times higher than our estimates of emissions during this geological event that left an indelible imprint on the planet 56 million years ago.”

The scientists conducted a time series analysis of calcium content and magnetic susceptibility found in the cores, which are proxies for changes in orbital cycles, and used that information to estimate the pacing of the PETM.

Earth’s orbit varies in predictable, calculable ways due to gravitational interactions with the sun and other planets in the solar system. These changes impact how much sunlight reaches Earth and its geographic distribution and therefore influence the climate.

“The reason there’s an expression in the geologic record of these orbital changes is because they affect climate,” Kump said. “And that affects how productive marine and terrestrial organisms are, how much rainfall there is, how much erosion there is on the continents, and therefore how much sediment is carried into the ocean environment.”

Erosion from the paleo Potomac and Susquehanna rivers, which at the onset of the PETM may have rivaled the discharge of the Amazon River, carried sediments to the ocean where they were deposited on the continental shelf. This formation, called the Marlboro Clay, is now inland and offers one of the best-preserved examples of the PETM.

“We can develop histories by coring down through the layers of sediment and extracting specific cycles that are creating this story, just like you could extract each note from a song,” Kump said. “Of course, some of the records are distorted and there are gaps — but we can use the same types of statistical methods that are used in apps that can determine what song you are trying to sing. You can sing a song and if you forget half the words and skip a chorus, it will still be able to determine the song, and we can use that same approach to reconstruct these records.”

Reference: “Astrochronology of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Atlantic Coastal Plain” by Mingsong Li, Timothy J. Bralower, Lee R. Kump, Jean M. Self-Trail, James C. Zachos, William D. Rush and Marci M. Robinson, 24 September 2022, Nature Communications.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33390-x

The study was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China and the Heising-Simons Foundation.

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