Separate programs funded by the federal government. Tom: Funding two programs, the Epidemic Unemployment Assistance Program and the Epidemic Emergencies Unemployment Assistance Program, which expired in late December, new funding by the conference was included in the federal stimulus package. But the Pennsylvania Department of Labor says there is a hitch. The federal government has new money requirements, such as increased verification of benefits. A spokesperson for the Department of Business and Industry told me that the state should reconsider its computer system that is causing the benefits of those programs and it could also delay an additional $ 300 that you might expect with those benefits. The other big issue? The country says there is no timeline on when this can be resolved. People with questions should email [email protected]. There is some good news – the country, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Labor told me

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry explains two federal programs that delay unemployment benefits

WGAL News 8 has received many calls and emails from viewers asking: Where are my unemployment benefits? Funding for two federal programs, the Epidemic Unemployment Assistance Program (PUA) and the Epidemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), expired in late December. These programs were part of the latest federal stimulus package, but the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry said there was a hitch. The federal government has new requirements for PUA and PEUC, including increased verification of benefits. The Bureau of Labor and Industry said the state should revamp the computer system that issues benefits to the software, and that could also delay an additional $ 300 per week that people might expect with those benefits. State officials said there is no timeline for PUA and PEUC payments people with questions should email [email protected].

READ  불가리아는 에너지 저장 허브로 부상할 준비가 되어 있습니다: 한국 경제 장관 회담 -

WGAL News 8 has received many calls and emails from viewers asking: Where are my unemployment benefits?

Fund two federal programs, Helping epidemic unemployment (PUA) and Epidemic emergency unemployment compensation (PEUC), which expired in late December.

The new funding for those programs was part of the latest federal stimulus package, however Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry There is a hitch, he said.

The federal government has new requirements for PUA and PEUC, including increased benefits verification.

A Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry spokeswoman said the state should revamp the computer system that issues benefits to the software, and that could also delay an additional $ 300 per week that people might expect with those benefits.

State officials said there is no timeline for when the PUA and PEUC payments will resume.

People with questions should send an email to [email protected].

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