Duke lost his third game in a row on Saturday, falling to Louisville, 70-65, dropping to 5-5 in the season – his worst start in more than 35 years. The match was close all the time, and Duke missed three possible or balanced shots in the last minute.
This led to an awkward moment with the media right after that.
During coach Mike Krzyzewski’s post-match press conference, Student Reporter from Duke, The Chronicle, Coach K asked a question, which resulted in an exchange between the two.
“I’m just curious about the next step forward for the team,” the reporter asked.
“Yes, why don’t we just evaluate this game,” Krzyzewski said. “I’m not in our next step forward now. We just finished a tough match. I don’t know when … What’s your major?”
The reporter did not immediately respond, so Krzyzewski asked again.
“What’s your specialty at Duke?” Coach K. Once again, the reporter didn’t respond, asking, “What’s your hardest class?”
The reporter replied, “Economic.”
Krzyzewski said, “Suppose you just underwent the toughest economic test in the world, and when you got out, someone asked you, ‘What’s your next step? “Do you understand what I mean? Do you have some sympathy?”
“Just give us time to evaluate this game, and then we will find out – just as we always try to do – what the next step will be. Obviously the next step will be to prepare for Georgia Tech. How to prepare for them – this is what we have to find out.”
“미경은 알코올에 대한 깊은 애정을 갖고 있으며, 다양한 술에 대한 지식을 공유합니다. 때로는 트러블 메이커로 알려져 있지만, 그녀의 내성적인 성격은 많은 이들에게 공감을 줍니다. 학생 생활을 하며 다양한 경험을 쌓아왔고, 소셜 미디어와 웹 세계에서 활발한 활동을 보여줍니다. 또한, 그녀는 베이컨을 사랑하며 리더로서의 역량을 발휘합니다.”