United passengers who risked their health to offer assistance to a man with COVID-19 have been compensated for “the inconvenience” … with vouchers almost anywhere to go.
Tony Daba – One of the passengers who performed CPR on the man with the COVID virus for 45 minutes – he told TMZ, that he received a call from a United representative on Thursday thanking him for his assistance during the crisis, and informing him about an electronic travel certificate of $ 200 by email to him.
Tony says the delegate did not mention anything about the man who died of coronavirus, and the email from United simply says … “We apologize for the inconvenience you suffered on your last trip.”
Stephen Chang Also Help the sick passengerLikewise … I received a thank you letter and a $ 200 coupon. Zhang’s wife, who was also on the December 14 trip, told us that she had not received a coupon. Two other passengers on the plane did not – Megan Hubbard And the Cameron Roberts. Therefore, it appears that United is only disbursing travel money to those directly involved in the attempt to rescue the passenger infected with the COVID virus.
You’ll remember, United said the man claimed he had not been diagnosed with COVID and had no symptoms, however His wife hung During an emergency, he has recently lost his sense of taste and smell and has difficulty breathing.
He died in hospital shortly after making an emergency landing in New Orleans, and this was later Confirmed to be infected with COVID.
Despite all of that, United told us It wasn’t their job To notify passengers that they may have been exposed to the virus, and instead have shifted responsibility to the CDC.
Aldapa told us it took a full 10 days before the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health called him … to tell him what he already knew.
After all, it might be a long time before he wants to hop on a trip again … but whenever he does, he will have a $ 200 balance. Yay?