SpaceX launched its latest releases Starship First prototype.

The SN9’s three engines lit up For about one second today (Jan 6) at 5:07 PM EST (2200 GMT) during a steady fire test at SpaceX facilities in South Texas, near the village of Boca Chica on the Gulf Coast.

Static fires, in which rocket engines ignite while the vehicle remains at anchor, are a routine initial check. SN9 (“Serial No. 9”) will take off soon, if all goes according to plan: SpaceX The vehicle is preparing for a test flight that is expected to be similar to that of its predecessor last month.

Video: Watch SpaceX test the launch of the Starship SN9 engines
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The prototype SN9 Starship from SpaceX performs its first static test shooting, on January 6, 2021, in these footage captured by

The prototype SN9 Starship from SpaceX performs its first static test shooting, on January 6, 2021, in these footage captured by (Image credit:

On December 9, SN8 – which was powered by three of SpaceX’s next-generation Raptor engines, such as the SN9 – was implemented. First-ever high jump for Starship, At an altitude of about 7.8 miles (12.5 kilometers) in the sky over southern Texas. (Three earlier single-engine prototypes were also transported, but they all reached a maximum height of about 500 feet, or 150 meters.)

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