SpaceX shared this stunning view of the awaiting launch of the Falcon 9.


SpaceX raised a record number of satellites in a single payload when its Transporter-1 mission took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 7 a.m. PDT (10 a.m. ET) Sunday morning.

Payload for this space equals Uber to Orbit It includes an abundance of small satellites from government and commercial entities, along with 10 private SpaceX Starlink Satellite broadband. In total, the company says there are 143 small spacecraft on board, which it claims is a record.

After about nine minutes of overloading and the second stage on their way into space, the first stage booster returned to precisely land on a SpaceX Of Course I Still Love You drone in the Atlantic Ocean.

In the weeks leading up to the launch, there was some last-minute shift after two DARPA satellites accidentally occurred. Damaged earlier this month at the treatment facility. The Starlink satellites were also a last-minute addition. The payload includes several Nanoracks and Small Spacecraft More from the German Space Center (DLR)And the US Department of Defense and many others.

The launch was originally scheduled to take place in December, but has been postponed several times, including from Saturday, when the weather pushed it to Sunday.

The enhanced Falcon 9 plane made its fifth flight and landed its career. The most we’ve seen from a Falcon 9 so far is eight.

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