The Gen IV Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia
The Gen IV Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia

Next month, on February 27, it will be 25 years since the original Pokémon Game Boy titles were released.

This also happens with “Pokémon Day,” and as usual, there will likely be a special presentation to go along with it. So what could coaches around the world expect, if there were any big announcements?

A Spanish fan of Centro Pokémon says sources close to the project have confirmed remakes of the DS titles Pokemon Diamond and Pearl It is under development and will be unveiled next month. Here’s a rough translation, provided by Google:

“The Pokémon Center can confirm that, according to sources close to the company, remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, originally released in 2006 for Nintendo DS devices, are in development for the Nintendo Switch.”

These new versions apparently wont Be like Pokemon: Let’s go The games were released on the Nintendo Switch in 2018, and will be closer in style to the original DS releases from 2006.

Pokemon from within many of Who is also in charge of the site Buocalos These recent claims have backed up. A few days ago they also mentioned how A. Pokemon Direct will be played next month.

Interested in returning to Diamond and Pearl on the Switch? Leave a comment below.

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