An illustration of an article titled This Day in History: iSpirit / iExploration Rover Land on Mars

Photo: Robin Beck / Agence France-Presse (Getty Images)

On January 3, 2004, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Soul He started making history. It landed on the Red Planet for the first time, launching one of NASA’s longest and most successful missions – and just Earthlings helped us better understand the wonderful universe we live in.

(Welcome to Today in History, the series in which we delve deeper into important historical events that have had a major impact on the automotive or racing world. If you have something to see next weekend, let me know on eblackstock [at] Jalopnik [dot] With.)

Soul The twins joined him Chance Three weeks later, the rovers discovered the possibility of water on the planet as a result of testing the rocks. The landing site for Rover 2 appears to have the same characteristics as the sea floor.

The main mission was supposed to last 90 Martian days, or 90 Mars days, but the rovers were so powerful that they orbited the planet for several years to collect data.

To give you an example of how much Soul Verb, let’s talk about it. NASA is only intended to cover 600 meters, or 0.4 miles. Instead, he logged in 7.73 km, Or 4.8 miles. As a result, NASA has managed to collect tons of geological information about the planet, much more than expected. It was this mission that allowed humans to begin dreaming about colonizing Mars.

we learned Much. We know that Mars has dust demons just like we do on Earth. We have been able to better define the surface of Mars, along with a greater understanding of the types of materials that each section is made of. It was a wonderful mission in every sense of the word.

Unfortunately, on May 1, 2009, Soul I got stuck in some fine sand. It wasn’t the first time this had happened in the mission, and the rover was able to function as a static analysis tool for a while while NASA tried to figure out how to dismantle it. This never happened. On January 26, 2010, NASA announced that it will likely not be moved. Chance Keep exploring.

Just two months Later, Soul Stop sending to NASA. Fourteen months later, NASA announced that it was no longer trying to contact the rover, describing its mission as complete.

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