It’s almost the end of the year, and to get a sensation, Nintendo lists whatever games it wants on its official website …

It was also spotted earlier today through a Twitter account @ jimin_with_03, Nintendo Japanese release schedule For the month of December it is marked with the titles N64 Kazoo Banjo And the Blast corps For the virtual Wii U console. Yes, apparently, they are due today …?

As mentioned in the Gematsu tweet above, both links are unavailable. If you click on it, a message appears explaining that the page has been deleted, modified, or is currently available. That said, you can still see the listings on the main release table page – with Microsoft Japan under the publisher role.

Nintendo Live IMGNintendo Live

We assume that’s a fatal flaw on the Nintendo end. However, it did make us wonder why these two rare games – a company now owned by Microsoft – were included when no game got the Virtual Console edition in the first place. Could it be a sign of things to come?

If we hear anything else, we will update this post. In the meantime, let us know what you think of all of this in the comments.

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