Sony announced that PlayStation Plus games for January 2021 are the PS5 version of Maneater and the PS4 releases for Shadow of the Tomb Raider and GreedFall. Playstation, Blog, All of these games will be available from Tuesday January 5 through Monday February 1, and it is important to note that the PS4 version of Maneater is not available in this round of games and that Maneater is not available in Saudi Arabia.Moreover, GreedFall is not available in the Middle East (replaced by Assetto Corsa), Japan, or South Korea (replaced by Mistover).

In our Maneater review, we said, “It’s super fun to play a mutant jaw on steroids! Maneater chews up the metaphorical scene as much as it devours humans and diverse aquatic inhabitants of the Gulf of Mexico, and that’s some good stupid entertainment – for a while.”

In our review of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, we said, “With a story that manages to satisfactorily walk the line between high-concept fun and real-time exploration of characters, Shadow of the Tomb Raider concludes Lara’s journey that began in 2013 and leaves convincingly she is in place. It’s like where she was when we first got to know her more than 20 years ago. “In our review of GreedFall, we said “I enjoyed myself nearly every step of the way through GreedFall’s epic and morally complex story of exploration and adventure. Technomancer was disappointing, but I still wanted to see other games try the ambitious things they were trying to achieve more. Of success – GreedFall keeps this promise. “

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If you haven’t redeemed the December 2020 PlayStation Plus games – which include Just Cause 4, Worms Rumble, and Rocket Arena – you still have them until January 4, 2021.

Do you tip for us? Want to discuss a potential story? Please send an email to [email protected].

Adam Pankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter Embed a Tweet and on Twitch.

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