Beta looking to put Dr. Antly In the crosshairs of the USDA because Larsa Pepin He posted pictures with some of his strange animals … but Doc says PETA is crooked.
Animal Rights has released a letter to the USDA requesting an investigation into the “Tiger King” star for alleged violations of animal welfare law … stemming from Larsa’s recent visit to Myrtle Beach Safari.
In the message TMZ got … Debbie MetzlerPETA, associate director of captive animal law enforcement, cites a visit to Larsa there this week and photos of her with adult and young tigers showing direct public contact.
She claims that the USDA warned Antle 15 years ago that his methods of photographing the public with big adult cats were in violation of the law … and wonders why “apparently the USDA refused to take any meaningful action to prevent Antle from allowing these types of actions.” Dangerous stunts of direct contact. “
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Peta is also concerned that Larsa and her children have had close contact with tigers and baby chimpanzees putting animals at risk of contracting COVID-19, claiming that the confrontations are another violation of the law.
But, Doc says PETA had the wrong idea about visiting Larsa … he claims Larsa made a tour, which involved manipulating tiger cubs and primates, before filming footage for PSA about wild tiger conservation.
Doc tells us it was a closed group with larger teenage tigers in a swimming pool, with strict protocols in place that aligned with USDA guidelines and recommendations.
“정은 인터넷 세계의 활발한 팬입니다. 그는 트위터를 통해 다양한 주제에 대한 의견을 공유하며, 그의 솔직하고 사과하지 않는 태도는 많은 팔로워를 끌어들입니다. 그는 내성적인 성격과 깊은 독서 습관을 가지고 있으며, 대중 문화에 대한 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 다양한 주제에 대한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 소셜 미디어 활동도 활발합니다.”