Diana sees Steve Trevor alive again.

Diana sees Steve Trevor alive again.
picture: Warner Bros.

It’s no secret that director Patty Jenkins had to fight hard to fulfill her vision for DCEU first. Wonderful woman Movie. aOne of the most convincing ideas out there is Wonder Woman 1984Speech It is that, even though Jenkins’ first foray into Themysciran Championships was wow, He never calmed down enough to hold back and let her do its job properly.

With Wonder Woman being such an integral part of DC Comics’ brand identity, it’s easy to understand why the studio was as precious as it was with the IP back when Jenkins was first brought into tumultuous movie production, when she was premiering to direct a Wonderful woman 2007 movie. Initially Jenkins-Warner refused Then Signed, left due to creative differences in 2011–Only to return to lead the project Years later after I left what became Thor: The Dark World. But during a recent conversation about Mark Marron WTF Podcast (Across IndieWire)Jenkins went into detail about how marginalized she felt after being taken advantage of Wonderful woman– so much so that Jenkins looked as if the studio wanted it only for the optics.

“They wanted to employ me like a beard,” said Jenkins. “They wanted me to walk around the set as a woman, but it was their story and their vision. And my thoughts? They didn’t even want to read my script.”

According to Jenkins, the primary difference in views was the root of the problem that manifested itself as Warner Bros. had no faith in Jenkins’ view as a Wonder Woman fan. Where Jenkins wanted her film to be explored Ideals and values Embodied by Wonder Woman, I felt the studio was more interested in dissecting the success of Christopher Nolan’s Batman films in an effort to recreate it with the princess of Themysciran.

“Even when I first joined Wonderful woman It was like, “Oh, yeah, well, but let’s do it another way,” Jenkins explained. “But I was like, ‘Women don’t want to see that. Being cruel, cruel, and decapitating people … me Wonderful woman Fan, that’s not what we’re looking for. I can still feel this nervous tension [on their part] from my point of view “.

Of course, there are always multiple sides to every story, and with so many different scenarios and design teams attached to what will become Jenkins’ Wonderful womanSure, there will be other memories like To what was descended. Given the extent of the radical difference in terms of general narrowing Wonder Woman 1984 Ended up by comparing it to its predecessor, it is interesting to think about the types of conversations that took place behind closed doors in the months leading up to its release–And what kind of conversations Jenkins and Warner Bros. might have. In the near future.

Wonder Woman 1984 Currently in theaters and Streaming on HBO Max.

For more, be sure to follow us on Instagram @io9dotcom.

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