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Number 3 Ohio State It would be shorter against the number 1 Alabama In the National College Football Championship. Buckeyes star running back Trey Sermon He left the field to go to the locker room after his team’s opening streak started with a triple run. According to ESPN fringe reporter Maria Taylor, Sermon was then hospitalized for further evaluation and will miss the remainder of the match.

Sermon’s injury status is not known yet, but he appears to prefer his left arm / shoulder while knocking off the field with the team’s coaches. Taylor reported that he was not able to raise his arm. He had one lunge for 2 yards and injured himself in his only campaign.

Sure, losing an engagement is a crushing blow to Ohio’s crime. The Oklahoma The hauling has really happened in the last three games, with 636 yards and four landings dating back to the Michigan State The match is on December 5th. He became a big part of the attack game plan, and his strength played an important role in the victories. North West In the title Big Ten and Clemson The semifinals.

Ohio has Master Tej as another rash option. Tig led the team with six rapid touchdowns per season and scored in the first quarter of the match to level things 7-7.


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