The annual deluge of gadgets and gadgets at CES usually tries to predict what consumer technology will look like in living rooms in the near future. But after a year like 2020, bendable TVs and surround sound systems are looking less interesting than a more pressing category: technology to help people out during an ongoing pandemic.

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That’s why we took it Razer Hazel Project, Arguably the most advanced concept of face masks we’ve seen since COVID-19 began sweeping the world. This N95 mask concept was revealed as part of Razer’s CES product line focused on gaming on Tuesday, and appeared as a surprise entry alongside the company’s usual fare for laptops and gaming accessories.

16.8 million colors on your face? Of course, why not

Reiser Pitch sales He claims that this should not be surprising at all, as the company has reused at least one of its product lines to pump over a million disposable surgical-grade face masks in 2020. From there, someone in the company decided to go further. From that and create a fanciful, LED-flooded gaming mouse … for your face. Project Hazel instantly boosts the company’s affinity for customizable lighting grids, thanks to two rings of light – supporting 16.8 million colors, and why not – that rotate around the mask’s vents. We wouldn’t be shocked if Razer finally allowed players to sync these light grids with nearby mice and keyboards.

After laughing at this aesthetic exaggeration, we generally nodded in agreement with the concept of Project Hazel. The system will, as advertised, include an active ventilation system, the openings of which will fit into a recharging case that is used as a UV disinfectant. The silicone shield will seal the users’ cheeks and nose, while the voice modulation system and a clear plastic face will cut extra distance to keep speech volume and mouths visible – things you’ll never find in a standard edition cloth mask. Razer goes above and beyond in ensuring that your face pop by offering indoor lights as an option.

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Razer Hazel project prototype.

For now, Razer is hiding behind the “concept” poster. Without a live demo showing exactly how it works – or any semblance of release date, price, or battery life on a single charge – the Razer concept could really be unattainable steam software, or it might be too expensive at launch. Additionally, there is the issue of fan-driven noise and battery-powered heat, both of which must be carefully distributed to ensure Project Hazel sales offer to leave the mask comfortably in public places for extended periods of time.

As an open-eye mask, Project Hazel is definitely less exciting to build than the likes of Narwall Mask, A $ 85 option currently on sale that lacks active ventilation systems (or a transparent face plate) and instead relies on an all-in-one ventilator-like design. (At a glance, it appears to be a great masquerade option for Snorkels Fans.) And as of press time, the best mask option we’ve found with sheer mouth windows, as part of Our comprehensive guide to buying a mask, It’s harder to recommend thanks to CDC’s guidance. Even if Razer’s prototype does not emerge as an integrated product, we cannot imagine the rest of the international tech sector forging ahead with more ideas on how to safely navigate the outside world – before the COVID-19 vaccination becomes a social thing. If Razer sends us any updates about the project Hazel transition to a retail product, we will keep you informed.

Image list by The scanner

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