A social distancing sign is seen during a New Years Eve 2021 celebration in Times Square in New York City, on December 31, 2020.
A sign of social distancing is seen during the celebration of New Year’s Eve 2021 in Times Square in New York City, on December 31, 2020. Noam Gallay / Getty Images

I’ve undoubtedly seen and heard the phrases in commercials since the pandemic began.

“We are living in unprecedented times.” “In these difficult and difficult times.” “From too much caution.” “We’re in this together.”

According to a university, this has lasted long enough.

On its annual review, Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Mary, Michigan The 2021 version was released Top 10 words and phrases that are used excessively to the point of becoming insincere, useless, or vulgar. For 2020, all about Covid-19.

LSSU said that more than 1,450 phrases from around the world were nominated for consideration, and seven of the ten phrases the university selected for so-called “negation” this year relate to the coronavirus. They include:

  • Covid-19
  • ‘Social distancing’
  • “We’re all in this together.”
  • “the hub”
  • “Unprecedented”
  • And any difference in “in an abundance of caution” and “in these troubled times.”

The university has compiled a “List of Deleted Words from the Queen’s English Language for Misuse, Overuse, and Public Lack of Public Use” since New Year’s Day in 1976. The list seeks to “support, protect and support excellence in language” by encouraging the avoidance of words and terms that have been overused To the extent that it is “ineffective, confusing, or irritating”.

Read the full story here:

This year's list of 'banished' words and phrases is all about Covid-19
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