“It was so cool,” said Tabor. “My heart was pierced to 400 million pieces.” She said the cancer had lasted “for a long time and was doing its best and could no longer do that.”

Originally from New York, Sierra moved to California, to pursue a career in film and theater that eventually spanned five decades. His most notable roles were in sitcoms from the 1970s.

On NBC’s “Sanford and Son,” he was a regular series as Julio Fuentes, Sanford’s Neighbor. Later on, he portrayed Miguel “Chano” Amanguale, Detective of “Barney Miller” on ABC.

Gregory Sierra (left) as Julio Fuentes' neighbor in an episode of & quot;  Sanford and Son & quot;

Sierra has also had supporting or guest roles in “All in the Family,” “Hill Street Blues,” “Miami Vice,” and “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”

The film credits included “Under the Planet of the Apes”, “Papillon” and “Towering Hell”.

Tabor described Sierra as a “brilliant actor” and said he was still receiving fan mail in the days after his death. His last thing Favor The acting role was in 2018. Tabor said he decided to retire because, while he still loves acting, he had a hard time remembering his lines.

Tabor said he was “the first person to help anyone who needed help and he cared about people so much.”

Sierra also survived two daughters with his wife and granddaughter, and Tabor said they all “loved him and called him” my father. “

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