Dune Road

Credit: Gina Carano Instagram

The Mandalorian Actress Gina Carano is again in the news this week after riots in the United States Capitol Building.

Gina Carano
Credit: Lucasfilm

Related: Actress Gina Carano in Star Wars responds to haters with Yoda Meme

Controversial Carano posts on Twitter kept them in entertainment news throughout The Mandalorian Season 2, as it is She often uses the social media platform to share her thoughts On social and political issues, often related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The former MMA fighter has divided its followers, with hashtags on either side of the lane – #FireGinaCarano and # WeLoveCaraDune / # IStandWithGinaCarano – have all been in vogue in recent weeks.

Cara Dion The Mandalorian Season 2
Credit: Disney

Twitter users #FireGinaCarano caused the trend again amidst star Wars The actress’s apparent response For the situation in Washington, DC Although Carano did not post anything about the political unrest on her profile, she “liked” the many posts made by supporters of the riots.

This caused a lot Mandurian Fans to respond to the Walt Disney Company Private Statement, Written by CEO Bob Chapick.

Today, Carano is back on social media, posting a GIF containing a quote from Princess Bride (1987) on her Twitter account. The short clip from the film shows Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright) asking Westley (Cary Elwes), “So why is there fear behind your eyes?” It definitely looks as if Carano has been responding to the riot comment regarding her social media activity that has been moving over the past couple of days.

Related: #IStandWithGinaCarano Trends as talk of ‘Mandalorian’ spillover rises

As usual, responses to Carano’s last post varied widely. Some fans supported the actress Cara Dune, others shared opposing opinions, however, others only published their opinions about her. Princess Bride (Spoiler alert: Everyone loves it.) See all responses on The Mandalorian Gina Carano on Twitter, click on the link included above.

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The Texorcist shared a drawing by Master Yoda featuring the following quote:

Fear is the path to the dark side.

Fear leads to anger.

Anger leads to hate.

Hate leads to suffering.

Qumran Pasha said:

GinaCarano revealed the truth about our world, as always.

Candel Jarre, another Carano supporter, wrote:

Keep being your bad self and don’t let the abolition cult get you down! A lot of respect

Related: Gina Carano speaks after Pablo Hidalgo’s controversy

Other commentators, such as RMH III, have quietly voiced their concern about Carano’s apparent lack of concern about the coronavirus outbreak:

Jenna, I don’t prey on people and I’m not going to give you a minute of nonsense about COVID but, 350,000 people have died from this disease and most of its transmission is from people without symptoms. Other countries that closed completely suffered far less than they did.

Other Twitter users who disagreed with the Carano post took a sharper stance. Stash Trim wrote:

Wow..I used to be a fan.. now I write Disney to ask them to remove a traitor from their show.

Related: Katie Sakoff from the Mandalorian saw Gina Carano as a “contest”

Blossom Torres shared ideas many Mandalorian fans would echo – spat with some Carano’s personal posts, but love for New Republic Marshal Cara Dune, her Mandurian Letter:

Dang. I don’t agree with everything ginacarano has to say, but I absolutely love her character in the Star Wars universe. I plan to go to the Star Wars universe upon death. Hope to see Marshall [sic: Marshal] At some point when I’m on Tatooine in my form as Java [sic: Jawa] Search for scrap.

Related: Pedro Pascal on Gina Carano’s performance in ‘The Mandalorian’

It is not clear if the above poster talks about Marshall Cara Dion – who works for Nevaru – or Mos Pilogh Marshal Cobb Fanth (Timothy Oliphant) Who, with the help of Dean Garryn (Pedro Pascal) And the Tusken Raider clan, you killed a dragon from Krayt on the Tatooine The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1 (“Chapter 9: The Marshal”).

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Carano’s future inside star Wars The galaxy is unknown at this time. Mandurian Model and creator Jon Favreau and executive producer Dave Filoni has not spoken about whether or not she will be starring in future seasons. The MandalorianSeason 3 has been confirmed – Or any of its branches.

It has been rumored that the next Rangers of the New Republic It was written as a part of Cara Dune due to the storyline of her second season about being a Marshall – but, there were also rumors of Disney requests an official apology from Carano Before giving her the offer. None of these rumors have been confirmed.

Kara Dune Believer
Credit: Lucasfilm / Disney

Related: Gina Carano ranks as one of the biggest stars in the world right now

Cara Dune from Carano last appeared in Mandurian Season 2 finale (“Chapter 16: The Rescue”), during which I witnessed an incredible female-centered battle scene alongside Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff), Nite Owl Koska Reeves (Mercedes Varnado / Sasha Banks), and Fennec Chand (Ming Na) Wayne).

What are your thoughts on the controversial tweets posted by Gina Carano and the general situation regarding the future of the actress star Wars?

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