Usually we don’t comment on rumors but this time we wanted to make an exception because this story is simply not true.
Cyberpunk 2077 (CyberpunkGame) January 6, 2021
A CD Projekt Red representative deviated from company policy to say widespread rumors about development decisions regarding Cyberpunk 2077 from an alleged developer were “simply incorrect”.
Posted on Game FAQs, A forum post purporting to include comments from a disgruntled developer who made multiple claims about content cutting, rewriting code, lobbying from company executives, and ongoing game fixes, even adding the unexpected details that the company’s original Johnny Silverhand was inspired by David Hayter’s Snake. Solid and Cillian Murphy.
Post topic on CD Red Project ForumsCDPR employee Fateer explained, “We usually don’t comment on rumors, but that’s simply not true.”CD Projekt Red has repeatedly refused to comment on the rumors that followed the troubled launch of Cyberpunk 2077, making this a notable exception. Previously, CDPR had also violated the usual policy of denying rumors of a match being delayed at the last minute.
Cyberpunk launched in less than stable condition, especially on consoles, which has led to a lot of speculation about the game’s development – especially after it received three delays before its launch. Some messy messages about what happened to the game didn’t help this speculation and what is being done to fix the issues.
At the moment, CD Projekt intends to release major updates to the console releases in January and February that will “fix the most significant issues that players face on last-generation consoles”. Currently, the game is not available for the PlayStation Digital Wallet, and we had no information on when it would be back. After these fixes, there are still insignificant additions to free DLC, paid expansions, and, ultimately, a multiplayer mode.
Joe Scribbles is IGN’s Executive News Editor. follow him Twitter. Do you tip for us? Want to discuss a potential story? Please send an email to [email protected].
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