The bill was comfortably passed, 521 to 73, after expedited sessions in both Houses of Parliament. The deal, finalized last week, marks a milestone more than four years after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union and months of fraught negotiations.

At the opening of the debate on Wednesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told members of Parliament that the deal “will open a new chapter in our national story” and allow the United Kingdom “to control our laws and our national destiny.”

“ This bill embodies our vision – which we share with our European neighbors – for a new relationship between Britain and the European Union on an equal footing in sovereignty, joined by friendship, trade, history, interests and values, while respecting the freedom to work for others and realizing that we have nothing to fear if we sometimes choose to do things. In a different way , ” Johnson said.

The government bill is now expected to pass to the House of Lords, the upper house of parliament; If passed, he is expected to receive royal approval.

The deal has already won interim approval from the European Union, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel officially signing the deal on Wednesday.

European Union ambassadors meet to review the Brexit deal on Christmas Day
“It has been a long way. Now is the time to put Brexit behind us,” von der Leyen He said on Twitter, Announcing the move. “Our future is made in Europe.”

The European Parliament is expected to consider the deal at a later time before it is formally ratified by the European Union.

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The deal agreed with Brussels outlines a new trade and security relationship with the UK’s largest trading partner after months of deadlock over areas such as fishing quotas, how the UK will use state aid to support British companies after Brexit, and legal oversight over any of them. The deal is sealed.

The agreement, which keeps Britain free of tariffs and quotas to consumers of the bloc, protects the UK from some of the most potentially dire consequences of Brexit as it grapples with a crippling pandemic.

But while it should give a short-term boost to the economy, The trade agreement will keep the country poorer At a time when it is facing a jobs crisis and its worst recession in more than 300 years.

The deal appears to cover mostly merchandise trade, as the UK has a deficit with its European Union neighbors, but it excludes key service industries such as finance, as it currently enjoys a surplus.

a Deal summary It has been posted on the UK government website.
Brexit is finally over.  It will leave the UK poorer

Opposition leader Keir Starmer, who campaigned against Brexit, said the bill was “weak” and failed to protect trade in the services sector, but Labor would support it in light of the devastating alternative: leaving the transition period without a deal.

The bill – which is 80 pages long, in contrast to the more than 1,200 pages of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) – has been criticized for being rushed.

The Hansard Society, a leading constitutional research organization, A. Blog post Describing the process as a “farce.”

Parliament is considering implementation of the Technical Assistance Act (TCA) less than 48 hours before it comes into effect – so late that “no deal” becomes the only possible alternative, and for very limited use of those directly affected by it writes Brigid Fowler, Senior Researcher In the Hansard Society.

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The vote comes against a backdrop of soaring Covid-19 cases in the UK as a more contagious type of virus is spreading across the country.

But there was also a ray of hope on Wednesday: Regulators in the United Kingdom have approved the use of the University of Oxford / AstraZeneca Coronavirus vaccine, It is cheaper and easier to distribute than some competitors and could provide in time a way out of the epidemic for large parts of the world.

Hanna Ziadi and Julia Horowitz contributed to this story.

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