The Nasdaq rose from late 1998 to early 2000 by over 200%. Now, we’re up nearly 100%, and we’re probably going down the same path well. Everything I’m looking for indicates fusion.

It’s Edward Yardeni, head of Yardeni Research, He took a cautious view in a recent interview with CNBC Where is the stock market going from here. He explained that the continuous rise in the cryptocurrency is just one of the signals indicating potential weakness.

“It’s just a bit of a bull market in everything,” Yardeni explained. It is very important whether or not you are using Bitcoin BTCUSD.
Just to stare at the chart, and to realize when it is climbing straight – it’s definitely a sign of exuberance, and excessive speculation.

As for the timeline in which it could turn out for the worse, Yardeni, a longtime Wall Street strategist, said the rise of the wider market should have some legs for some time.

“In the first half of this year, it is likely that the blue wave will continue to the upside,” he said. We’ll get more government spending. We’ll have the Fed at the forefront of much of that government spending through quantitative easing. I think interest rates will remain very low. ”

But this may change rapidly as the US economy begins to recover from the epidemic. “In the second half of the year, we may be in anticipation of some consumer price inflation that will not be good for assets with an overvalued value,” Yardeni said.

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Watch the interview:

There are no signs of melting Sunday night, with futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average YM00,
-0.56%And the
S&P 500 ES00,
NASDAQ Composite NQ00 High Tech,
All this indicates a slow start to the week.

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