A Disney California worker boasted on Facebook of having received COVID-19 Vaccine – She says she was able to jump the line because her husband is a “big problem” in a local hospital.

“When I woke up this morning, I didn’t think I would get a COVID-19 vaccine today. But here we are. I am very happy,” the 33-year-old Riverside woman shouted in a Facebook post on December 20, According to the Orange County Registry.

The woman who did not disclose that she is less true added that “science is fundamentally my religion, so this was important to me.”

When a commenter asked the anonymous lady how she managed to beat one of Pfizer’s coveted vaccines – which are supposed to be Go to frontline healthcare workers And Vulnerable Population At First – The woman responded that her husband’s aunt was a big hurry at Redlands Community Hospital.

The vaccinated woman – who posted a photo of the coronavirus vaccination record from the hospital – added that the center had residual doses that would have spoiled if he did not use them immediately.

Coronavirus vaccines
Environmental Protection Agency

The post has been deleted online since then.

Pfizer vaccine can be stored in deep-frozen hospital equipment for up to 30 days, then for five days in refrigerators. The company says.

The hospital defended itself in a statement to the registry, saying: “The Redlands Community Hospital has administered the allocation of Pfizer’s vaccines to frontline physicians, healthcare workers, and support staff in accordance with California Department of Public Health guidelines.

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“After doctors and staff who showed interest in the vaccine were administered, several doses remained.

“Because the reconstituted Pfizer vaccine must be used within hours or discarded, many doses have been given to health care workers outside the front lines so that the valuable vaccine is not eliminated.”

But Andrew Neimer, a professor of public health at the University of California, Irvine, told the port that vaccinating a Disney employee “does not pass the smell test.”

He said, “The nurses, technicians, gatekeepers, and those in charge of the system must be vaccinated before some members of the random community.”

However, while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommendations on who should be vaccinated first, “in the end, it is still up to the individual states and locations where the vaccines are given,” said Dr. David De Lu, Senior Associate Dean of Research. At UC Riverside School of Medicine, to the record.

A California Department of Public Health spokeswoman told the outlet that the state has been clear about who should get what is first, saying: “Federal and state vaccination guidelines have prioritized frontline health care workers who put their lives at risk to fight this virus” from today. the first.

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