When Jamal Centurk was transported by ambulance to Medical Park Hospital in Trabzon on January 14th, his dog, Punkuk, escaped from their apartment and followed him to the facility, where she waited patiently every day.

Hospital staff informed the Centurk family of the whereabouts of his canine friend.

But after Boncock returns home, I managed to escape again – and returned to the hospital every day, Murat Erkan, director of the hospital’s International Patients Center, told CNN.

The hospital said that Centurk’s apartment was nearby, and that the family was not sure how the dog had escaped.

Erkan said in a statement that his “dog” Poncock “followed him to the hospital gate and refused to leave for six days until the owner left.”

Buncock, pictured here with his owner Jamal Centurk, waited outside the hospital for six days.

“Although the family (brought) Puncock home I managed to flee every day to wait at the hospital gate. “

To try to reassure and calm her, Senturk communicated with Boncuk through the window while he was staying at the facility.

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But his devoted four-legged friend refused to leave until Centurk left.

While watching, dog Erkan added that the hospital staff received the love of those who fed and took care of him.

“Jamal Centurk has been with Boncock for nine years and has also mentioned that he missed her a lot during his hospital stay,” he said.

“After he was let out, he met his dog at the hospital gate. Punkkook had really acted kindly during the six days and managed to attract love and affection to all the staff.”

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