According to a note on the doors, the tenant was about $ 1 million behind rent.

Houston – On Monday, doctors and patients are in Heights Hospital He arrived to find a confusing sight. They were sealed and a note on the door said the locks had been changed because the tenant owed nearly $ 1 million in rent.

“Please be informed that the locks of the doors of the rental buildings have been changed, and the tenant will be excluded from them due to non-payment of rent,” the memorandum states.

“At around 8 am, my crew and I came to prepare … We were told that we were not allowed into the building anymore,” said the family doctor, Dr. Felicity Mac. “We were not notified of our patients’ care and told so, so I have patients who keep popping up today and I was supposed to see them.”

Mac said they had to resort to alternatives in order to care for their patients.

“I am treating patients in the parking lot so we can at least provide some kind of care for them,” Mac said. “But we really want to be able to take care of our patients.”

Here’s a look at more of the wording that was in the letter on the doors:

Rep. Sheila Jackson told me that no one responded to doctors’ pleas to come in to serve their patients. She said they were also not allowed in to retrieve their belongings.

“Ironically, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic when one of the incarcerated patients was infected with COVID-19, this treacherous confusion would occur,” Jackson Lee said.

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The congresswoman said the measure was taken by a management company hired by the hospital. She hopes to solve the problem soon.

Jackson told me, “What I understand is that the hospital, realizing what it has done, will be meeting with the management company at 4:30 pm today to solve the doctors’ help.”

She said there could be some repercussions due to the interruption of medical care. It also said that it “will study any procedures that the hospital did not properly follow and respond to them on behalf of doctors and patients.”

“Patients and doctors should not suffer this way,” Jackson told me.

Some outpatients appeared to receive treatment and were surprised that the doors were closed.

“There’s something about not paying the bills,” said patient Milo Johnson. “That’s all I know.”

Johnson showed up on his scheduled wound care schedule.

Johnson said, “I come here twice a week to take care of my wounds… without it… it kind of hindered me a little.

KHOU 11 contacted the bankruptcy attorney listed in the notice but did not receive a response.

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